Kostenloser Versand in Deutschland ab 40€ Bestellwert. Fragen? info@urembo.de
*neue Verpackung*- A natural moisture retention treatment for dry, damaged hair - Helps to repair and rejuvenate hair and scalp from the damaging effects styling and the environment - Fortified with natural proteins and vitamins to strengthen and nourish hair from root to tip for increased elasticity, providing healthy, manageable, soft, silky hair - Naturally replenishes and locks in moisture. Safe and gentle for all hair types
Artikelnummer UMO-122
*neue Verpackung*- A natural moisture retention treatment for dry, damaged hair - Helps to repair and rejuvenate hair and scalp from the damaging effects styling and the environment - Fortified with natural proteins and vitamins to strengthen and nourish hair from root to tip for increased elasticity, providing healthy, manageable, soft, silky hair - Naturally replenishes and locks in moisture. Safe and gentle for all hair types.
Verpackungsgröße: 355 Milliliter
Nach der Haarwäsche großzügig auf das nasse Haar auftragen. Vom Ansatz bis in die Spitzen einmassieren. Entwirren und einwirken lassen. Die genaue Einwirkzeit findest Du auf dem Produkt. Nun gründlich ausspülen und mit einem Leave-In Conditioner nachbehandeln.
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