ApHogee Two-Step Protein Treatment 4oz 118ml

- ApHogee Two-Step Protein Treatment is a salon service product.
- This unique treatment is formulated with magnesium and modified proteins which fuse into the hair with the application of heat.
- The result is that breakage is drastically reduced.
- During the process, ApHogee treatment hardens into the hair, dramatic evidence that something special is occurring.
- Stops Hair Breakage - Rebuilds Hair Structure for Six Weeks - Ideal for Processed or Natural Hair

* inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Artikelnummer UMO-2457

- ApHogee Two-Step Protein Treatment is a salon service product.
- This unique treatment is formulated with magnesium and modified proteins which fuse into the hair with the application of heat.
- The result is that breakage is drastically reduced.
- During the process, ApHogee treatment hardens into the hair, dramatic evidence that something special is occurring.
- Stops Hair Breakage - Rebuilds Hair Structure for Six Weeks - Ideal for Processed or Natural Hair.

Verpackungsgröße: 1 Stück

Trage es sanft auf Dein Haar und Deine Kopfhaut auf und massiere es ein. Style Dein Haar wie gewohnt. Das Treatment täglich verwenden, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen. 

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