Sensationnel Swiss Lace Wig Cloud 9 CATHERINE Dream Muse Series Perücke

-Sensationnel Swiss Lace Wig CATHERINE Dream Muse Series
- Silk-based ULTRA Soft Swiss lace - Hand-tied knots with natural hairline
- Blend with 100% Human Hair & Hybrid Mix (Echthaar und Kunsthaar Gemisch - Hohe Qualität zum günstigen Preis)
- 3XL Swiss Lace Parting Area - Unlimited parting options
- Lightweight contouring mesh cap - Flexible fit for various head shapes and sizes

* inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Artikelnummer UMO-1809

-Sensationnel Swiss Lace Wig CATHERINE Dream Muse Series
- Silk-based ULTRA Soft Swiss lace - Hand-tied knots with natural hairline
- Blend with 100% Human Hair & Hybrid Mix (Echthaar und Kunsthaar Gemisch - Hohe Qualität zum günstigen Preis)
- 3XL Swiss Lace Parting Area - Unlimited parting options
- Lightweight contouring mesh cap - Flexible fit for various head shapes and sizes

Sensationnel Swiss Lace Wig Dream Muse Series with 100% Human Hair & Hybrid Mix (Human Hair Blend). An ultra soft Swiss lace for a perfect fit and waering comfort. The 3XL Swiss lace parting area fits from ear-to-ear. A natural hairline generated by a contoured and skintoned Silk base. The adjustable straps and combs provided for secure fit. The processed contouring mesh cap is non-bulky, light weight and breathable. It also fits for various head shapes and sizes. The track-free cap ensures natural flowing hair and movement.

Length / Länge: 24 Inch / 60 cm 

Wigs / Lace Wigs: Wigs sind Perücken. Diese müssen sie am Kopf befestigen. Eine Anleitung dazu findet sich üblicherweise in der Verpackung. Sie können die Wig auch mit separatem Zubehör (Kleber) fixieren.


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Farbwahl Bobbi Boss

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