ApHogee Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor 8oz 237ml

- ApHogee Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor is a powerful, one step treatment that should be used for home use, between salon visits.
- This concentrated blend of keratin amino acids, botanical oils, and vitamins does wonders to restore strength and softness to hair that requires a deep, penetrating treatment.
- It is recommended on tinted, bleached or relaxed hair.

* inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Artikelnummer UMO-1867

- ApHogee Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor is a powerful, one step treatment that should be used for home use, between salon visits.
- This concentrated blend of keratin amino acids, botanical oils, and vitamins does wonders to restore strength and softness to hair that requires a deep, penetrating treatment.
- It is recommended on tinted, bleached or relaxed hair..

Verpackungsgröße: 12 Stück

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